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From October 1994 to March 2000 publications © 1994-2000
From October 1994 publication
There are many reasons why our ancestors came to this country. Some wanted freedom to practice the religion of their choice. Others wanted the freedom to choose where they live, where they work, how they stay healthy, etc. Recently, there have been several threats to the freedom of choice in the health care field - one is on the federal level and two are on the state level.
On the federal level, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is looking for sweeping enforcement powers in the area of nutritional and dietary supplements. The FDA has abused its power in the past with unnecessary armed raids on clinics, health food stores, and other facilities. To combat FDA abuses, there are bills in both houses of congress that will add sensibility to this issue. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (S.784 in the Senate & H.R. 1709 in the House of Representatives) has been moving through both houses but is under assault by some very influential legislators. Senator Edward Kennedy and Representative Henry Waxman are doing all in their power to either weaken the bill, and make it useless, or draft their own versions. To make your voice known, contact Senators Bill Bradley & Frank Lautenberg (he's up for re-election) and your local congressman. Their phone #'s are in the blue section of your telephone book. (Editor's Note: Since this article was published, a watered down version of this bill was passed and signed by President Clinton.)
On the state level, special interest groups (professional organizations) are pushing legislation to limit your rights to choose alternative means of working with your psyche and nutrition. Both groups say the action is necessary to protect the public. Many critics to these actions say the motives are purely monetary - to limit competition and create a monopoly for their members.
The Psychological Board recently adopted regulation N.J.A.C. 13:42 which has far reaching implications to the public. If enforced, it will severely limit the use of Hypnotherapy, Biofeedback, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Motivation, substance abuse counseling, clergy counseling, and much more. This vaguely written regulation would restrict these and other services from being done by anyone except a Psychologist with a Phd (most of whom do not have the additional training). State Senator C. Louis Bassano has introduced resolution SCR 36 to correct this obviously flawed regulation. He needs support to get SCR 36 passed. (Editor's Note: This regulation is currently not being enforced by the Psychological Board while various hypnotherapy organizations are attempting to have changes made in this regulation.)
The Dieticians lobbied and recently got the Nutritionist Licensing Act (A.1756) passed in the State Assembly. This will restrict people without the equivalent dietician training from giving out nutritional advice and singles out anyone who gives advice contrary to the official guidelines (example - they have a bias against food allergy diets, the use of vitamins & dietary supplements, or anything innovative). These are the same dieticians who are in charge of the "healthy & tasty" institutional foods that are served in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, etc. Based on their past record (example: providing high fat, low fiber meals to heart patients) would you trust them to be your "ONLY" source of nutritional information? (Editor's Note: Governor Whitman recently vetoed this legislation after it passed both houses.)
If you are concerned about the erosion of your freedom of choice, speak out, write letters, be heard. Remember, "it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease".
From February 1995 publication
President Clinton signed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 in October, 1994. This legislation is a victory for the American public because it ensures their continued access to vitamins and dietary supplements. This legislation was interesting to watch since it was the result of a grassroots campaign. Millions of Americans wrote, phoned, faxed, and sent telegrams to their elected officials. Many legislators were convinced to change their views and sponsor and/or support the legislation. During congressional discussions, several lawmakers spoke on how dietary supplements had helped them improve their health.
The key points addressed by this act are:
1. Dietary supplements are no longer considered food additives.
2. Dietary supplements will be given their own distinct classification within the food group in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act.
3. Dietary supplement manufactures are now allowed to make statements regarding how the ingredients affect the human body. These statements must be truthful, nonmisleading, and must be accompanied by a disclaimer that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the statement and the product is not intended to be used to treat, prevent, or cure disease.
4. The FDA has to prove that the dietary supplement is unsafe. In the past, manufacturers had the burden of proof and the litigation expense drove some of them out of business.
5. Independent third party literature may be used with the sale of these supplements provided that it is true, not misleading and presents a balanced view using all available scientific information on the supplement.
From February 1995 publication
In recent years the term holistic or wholistic has come into frequent usage. Most of the time it is used when describing natural healing, alternative or complimentary medicine. In the pure sense of the word, it means taking a whole person approach to healing. Each person is unique and many factors may contribute to putting that person into a dis-eased state. Unfortunately, today's modern technological based medicine sometimes treats the whole individual as a collection of parts. The person is "carved" up into smaller and smaller pieces (body parts) with the focus more on "fixing the (immediate) problem" than on finding the underlying cause. When you look back in history to the beginnings of modern medicine, you find a family doctor whose patients often spanned several generations. This doctor treated everybody in a particular family and knew the patients both on a personal as well as professional level. The physician also knew the family dynamics and took all factors into account when treating each of his or her patients. As technology took on a more dominant role, doctors became more removed from their patients. Technology also encouraged the birth of specialties and specialists which further distanced the doctor patient relationship. Many of the specialists do not have the time to get to know their patients and potentially vital information may be missed because of this time restraint.
When a person has a physical ailment, modern medicine often focuses only on the physical condition or the affected body part. Other physical factors such as diet, exercise, etc. may also be considered but many times, the emotional aspect (fear, anger, relationships, etc.), the mental factors (old negative programming, beliefs) and spiritual beliefs (connectedness) are overlooked. This purely physical approach often muddles the distinction between symptoms and cause. An automobile analogy may help here. If I attempted to start my car which had a dead battery, and automatically replaced the battery without checking out the charging system and possibly other areas, I would be treating the symptom. I might get lucky if the battery was really the problem or find out later, after a couple more dead batteries, that I did not find the cause. Unfortunately, a similar scenario can occur in human beings with more serious consequences.
Many times, the term holistic is used to describe natural, non-invasive, complimentary or alternative therapies. Besides the whole person approach, many holistic practitioners believe in treating dis-ease naturally. This involves doing whatever is necessary to help the body to heal itself. The approach may include working with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual (PEMS) aspects to help strengthen the immune system. It may also include natural remedies such as herbs. The program may also involve changes in diet to provide more organic and natural foods so the immune system can focus more on the ailment and less on neutralizing chemical laden foods. Many times stress reduction and relaxation techniques are incorporated. The client (patient) is also given a greater role in his/her healing process and thus takes more responsibility for his/her healing. This makes the client (patient) a partner and usually gives him/her more hope for recovery.
The ideal approach is to use the best of both systems (modern medicine and holistic health care). Emergencies, accidents, severe life threatening situations are best handled by modern medicine. Once the person is stabilized, an holistic approach can be used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment to find and treat the cause. Holistic health care is probably a better choice to prevent or help stop the cycle of dis-ease and unhealthy lifestyle habits. Bridging the gap between the two systems will probably accomplish more (and cost less) than overhauling the entire health care system.
From June 1995 publication
A few years ago, I visited the Red Bank area for the first time. My main reason was to check out a couple of the shops and do some networking. The amount of services available, in this area, for the person interested in spirituality, holistic health, personal growth, etc., surprised me. The places mentioned below are just a sampling from this area and are far from a complete list.
The best way to explore this area is to make a day of it. Saturday is fine, but a weekday is probably better. Nestled in a shopping center, just south of Newman Springs Road (Rt. 520) on Shrewsbury Avenue, Shrewsbury, is Johanna's Health Store. There is a large selection of books (some hard to get) on food, pregnancy & childbirth, vaccinations, holistic health & healing, and much more. In addition to the large selection of health foods, Johanna's has an extensive collection of homeopathic & herbal remedies.
Monmouth Street, in Red Bank, has several places of interest. The Eurasian Eatery has a selection of healthy meals including 50% that are vegetarian. Red Bank Health Food is newly remodeled and spacious. Besides the typical health food they carry, there are cosmetics, books, body building formulas, barbell weights, and a selection of several juicing machines. When entering Magical Rocks, the first thing you see is a huge crystal in a display case. In the rear of the store is a simulated lily pond, complete with running water; this is the first thing my 3 year old daughter wants to see when we visit. In addition to the crystals, there are books, incense, jewelry, and more. Marcia Pokus is happy to help you find that special item.
Front Street offers 2 interesting shops and a restaurant. The Vegetarian Garden offers an alternative to fast food with healthy vegetarian food at reasonable prices. Earth Spirit has a large selection of Native American items including over 165 fresh herbs. In addition, there are books and tapes on angels, self help, holistic health, etc. There is also a large selection of jewelry, incense, and magazines. Astrology and card readings are also available. They also offer a regular Friday night healing circle. Free parking is available behind the store. Say hello to Joycelyn and Chris Midose. A few doors down are Best of Nature (BON) and the Relax Institute. BON is a body workers' paradise. There is a large selection of massage tables, accessories, high quality oils & lotions, charts, and books. BON also runs a mail order operation and ships throughout the country. In the back of BON is the Relax Institute where you can pamper yourself and get a mini or full massage. My daughter, Stephanie, especially enjoys the waiting area, which have parrots and parakeets. Michael & Julie Brofman and Janet McGrane help you make your trip worthwhile.
If you need to get outside for a while, try Marine Park. It is located at the end of Wharf Ave., on the Navesink River, next to Riverview Hospital. It's a good place to eat lunch and/or relax for a while. To continue on your journey, travel east on Front Street into Fair Haven. At the border, the road name changes to River Road. Aquarius Rising is the oldest of the book & gift shops. Flo Higgins has been active in the Astrology field for over 20 years and is regularly featured on radio and newspapers. She does Astrology, Tarot, & Numerology readings. Her shop has metaphysical, self help, tarot, and astrology books, tarot decks, jewelry, and other gift items. In addition, there is a Thursday night healing circle.
In reality, you will probably need a few days to really explore the Red Bank area and all it has to offer. To learn more, ask the store owners and pick up a copy of New Approaches to Wellness. Have fun.
Fair Haven:
Aquarius Rising
775 River Road
(732) 842-3871
Johanna's Health Store
555 Shrewsbury Ave.
(732) 219-0101
Red Bank:
Best of Nature &
Relax Institute
12 W. Front St.
(732) 747-2874
Earth Spirit
16 W. Front St.
(732) 842-3855
Eurasian Eatery
110 Monmouth St.
(732) 741-7071
Magical Rocks
19 Monmouth St.
(732) 741-1293
Red Bank Health Foods
25 Monmouth St.
(732) 842-5666
The Vegetarian Garden
7 E. Front St.
(732) 530-8681
From October 1995 publication
The relationship between water and life has been known for thousands of years. The human body can survive several weeks without food, but only several days without water. Water is essential for every major bodily function. Two thirds (2/3) of your body weight is water and your body must replace 2.5 quarts of water daily. Despite the documented importance of water, most people do little or nothing to satisfy this need. Most people drink far less than what the body requires (approximately 8 glasses -- 64 oz per day). In addition, many blindly assume the water from the faucet is perfectly safe to drink.
In the past few years, alarming reports have shaken the blind trust people have regarding the safety of their water supplies. Recent reports show that the water, in many New Jersey municipalities, has unsafe levels of certain contaminates. Many water systems have high levels of lead. Last year over 400,000 people in Milwaukee became ill due to a microscopic organism known as cryptosporidium. More than 4000 of them were hospitalized including over 100 deaths. Chlorine, which is added to make water biologically safe, is ineffective against certain micro-organisms; it also mixes with other substances to form byproducts called trihalomethanes (TTHM) that are known carcinogens. In addition, the water may contain farm chemicals, industrial solvents, heavy metals, asbestos, and microscopic cysts.
Municipal water systems do the best they can but many of them are old and outdated. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) only specifies about 90 substances for required testing, even though there are hundred of items routinely found in water supplies. Even if the water was 100% safe when it left the treatment plant, it may still pick up contaminants such as lead, asbestos, and TTHM's in the many miles of water main pipelines. Chemicals and other substances may also leach into the water supply from the plumbing in your house.
People are starting to take the water quality issue seriously. Some are buying bottled water while others are installing point of use water filtration systems (water filters). Bottled water presents its own set of problems due to the lack of meaningful standards; they only have to meet municipal water standards and some companies merely filter out the objectionable odor and taste. In addition, contamination is possible in the bottling process. Bottled water is expensive, cumbersome, and the quality may vary even within the same production lot.
Comparison shopping for water filters is challenging and creates lots of confusion for the public. There are approximately 2000 different products all making various health claims; many are misleading. To complicate matters, there are no federal standards for water filters. Fortunately, National Sanitary Foundation International (NSF), an independent third party non profit testing laboratory is actively involved in certifying water filter systems. They have several different standards but the two most important are Aesthetic Effects #42 and Health Effects #53. Many of the systems are not listed under either standard. This is because they have to request listing and then go through rigorous testing for certification.
Filters listed under Aesthetic Effects #42 are known as odor and taste filters. They generally take out chlorine, particulate matter (rust, grit, etc.), and other matter that causes odors and bad taste. These systems filter out only the larger particles and are generally the charcoal and silver charcoal (bacteriostatic) filters. Unfortunately, many of the chemicals in the water are odorless and tasteless. Filters listed under Health Effects #53 can remove one or more of the listed contaminates. The better ones remove a wide variety of substances.
There are several different types of systems on the market including charcoal, silver-charcoal (bacteriostatic), distillation, reverse osmosis, and solid carbon block. Granulated or powdered Charcoal filters generally only remove odor & bad taste and can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Bacteriostatic filters use silver to inhibit bacteria growth but silver is a poisonous substance and may not adequately control the growth. Distillation removes some chemicals, but others can vaporize and recondense into the distilled water. In addition, it requires electricity, removes beneficial minerals and trace elements, and can take hours to supply the needed water. Reverse Osmosis removes many chemicals (including beneficial ones), is very effective at eliminating lead and other heavy metals but needs a pre-filter to reduce most dissolved chemicals. It is very slow and wasteful (uses 3-9 gallons of water for each gallon produced), and requires a holding tank. Properly designed Solid carbon block filters can remove a wide variety of contaminates without some of the disadvantages listed above. Some of the systems on the market are combinations of the types above; this increases their effectiveness in removing a wide range of chemicals and compounds.
Here are some points to help you select the system that best meets your needs:
A "bargain system" may look like a good purchase but can be quite expensive to maintain over a period of time. For example, a system that initially costs $25 and has a filtering capacity of 25 gallons ($10 for each replacement filter) will cost approximately $215 in the first year. This costs slightly less than a $250 system with a 500 gallon filtering capacity ($50 for each replacement filter). However, in subsequent years, the "bargain system" will cost 4 times as much to maintain. This example is only a price comparison and the systems may not be equal in quality. Likewise, a system with an extremely costly replacement filter will also cost more long term; it may also discourage you from changing the filter regularly, thus endangering your health.
I hope this article gave you the information needed to make healthy choices for you and your loved ones. In general, approach this like any other purchase, be an informed consumer. Drink to your health.
Jan Rosenstreich is Director of Mystic Gateway and has learned about the alternatives to tap water the expensive way. He is an independent distributor for Multi-Pure drinking water systems and can be reached at
From February 1996 publication
Healing & The Internet is probably a strange title and might bring visions of accessing the Internet in order to be healed. Of course, the Internet is not going to heal anyone but it can provide a wealth of information about many healing topics. Before I discuss what is available, it is important to know how to access the Internet.
First, you need a computer equipped with a modem (a device that hooks up to your computer and telephone line). Second, you need a way to hook up to the Internet. You may use one of the major online services such as CompuServe, America On Line, Prodigy, Delphi, or Internet Service Providers (ISP). Most of the online services and ISP will provide you with the necessary software and information needed to access the Internet. Generally, ISP are better buys if you only want access to the Internet. Make sure your Internet provider has a local phone number or phone charges may get very expensive.
Once you are on the Internet, the next challenge is finding information. The Internet is a network of computers that are interconnected all around the world. There is a wealth of information about virtually every topic and people spend hours researching and exploring their interests. Several organizations have attempted to catalog the Internet to make it easier to search for information (search tools). Presently there are hundreds of different search tools on the Internet. Imagine the Internet as New York City with hundreds of different phone books; some people are listed in most of them, others are listed in some or none of them. Some search tools are arranged by subject while others primarily operate when you enter key words. For example, entering the key word holistic or alternative medicine may bring up thousands of entries on one search tool and few or none on another. Let experience be your guide on the best way to conduct a search.
The structure of the Internet also allows the setting up of links (links allow people on one site to directly access another site just by selecting it). Many sites provide links to related sites; once you find one site of interest, you will probably find additional sites through the links.
I have found several interesting sites with holistic and alternative medicine information. Some of my favorites are Dr. Bowers Complementary Medicine Home Page , Natural Medicine For The Health Crisis , Alternative Care , Motherheart , and The Share Guide. These and others can be conveniently found by accessing our home page (Mystic Gateway) at Internet Address - and selecting Holistic Oriented Sites & Links. The articles in this publication and previous published articles can also be found on our home page.
It is important to use common sense and care before using information on alternative healing (or anything else for that matter). Just like published books can have inaccurate and misleading information, the same is true of the Internet. Any person can put information on the Internet. Until next time, happy surfing.
From June 1996 Publication
It seems as though every other day there is some new study about health or nutrition. The information is sometimes brand new and may support or debunk a previous theory. We have been given so many conflicting reports and studies that it is sometimes a challenge finding the truth. A good rule of thumb is to find out all you can about the researchers; their experience, other studies, former employment, etc. It is also helpful to determine who funded the study and if they have any financial interest regarding the outcome. Will the researchers or funding parties receive any financial gain as a result of the study?
There was recently a study done inquiring why fewer people are dying from heart attacks. The researches theorize it may be the salicylates (a chemical cousin to aspirin) found in artificial flavorings that is responsible for the decline. Prior studies state that taking aspirin daily prevents blood clots, and thus heart attacks. Since junk foods and highly processed foods contain lots of artificial flavors, can junk food actually be good for you?
Now before you go out and fill your shopping basket with junk foods, there is a caution. Even if this study does have an element of truth, consumption of the above items might bring other unwanted conditions. While the incidence of heart attacks have been dropping, other illness, such as cancer, and auto-immune diseases have been on the rise. In the past 25 years or so several food additives have been taken off the market due to safety concerns. These have been replaced by newer additives without long track records. We may not know of their possible dangers until many years later. Before an additive is put on the market, it undergoes Food & Drug Administration (FDA) trials. If that additive is presumed safe, it is allowed on the market. What happens when this additive mixes with other "approved" additives in the food? Is it still safe? How is the combination affected by heat, cold, or other processing methods? Does individual body chemistry play a role in its safety? There are many substances that are considered safe by themselves. Mix them together in a chemistry set and they may become toxic or explosive. Is our body the chemistry set?
Our bodies work best when we consume food that is closest to nature; the body is able to easily digest, assimilate the nutrients, and dispose of the waste products. Eating unnatural substances puts a strain on the body since it must work harder to dispose of these foreign substances. Add this to an already overworked body that also must deal with air, water, and chemical pollution, stress, and the other risk factors that come with modern living.
Is junk food good for you? The choice is up to you. With all its chemicals, junk food has no place in your body and is probably best suited for the garbage. That last statement will probably get me in big trouble with the environmentalists.
From October 1996 Publication
We hear about it in the news, a fierce storm devastates an area. Sometimes it is flooding, wind damage, or massive destruction. The relief efforts start immediately to help get things under control. Then comes the question, "should we stay here and rebuild or move to a different location". In New Jersey, some communities were built in flood plains at the junction of several rivers and flooding is inevitable. There are grandiose plans to "fix" the problem but they are costly and of questionable value. History has shown that man could sometimes slow down or delay the will of nature but it is only temporary.
The same is true about natural medicine sometimes called alternative, complementary, or holistic. For years it has been repressed, censored, and attacked by the powerful medical based associations and lobbies. While some of the criticism is justified and based on health concerns, most others are purely for financial gain. Modern medicine is big business and a trillion dollar industry. It has fought every perceivable threat to its bottom line including Chiropractors, Medicaid, HMO's, and complementary medicine without regard to the people who have put their trust in the system. The winds of change are coming as more people are dissatisfied with the present system and are looking for humanistic and less toxic approaches for health care.
People now recognize the role prevention plays in their overall health. Modern medicine is still based on just fixing problems. There does seem to be a shift towards incorporating nutrition, physical exercise and stress reduction into modern health care but that only addresses the physical body. The emotional, mental, and spiritual components can be a major cause of ailments unless they are also addressed. People are attracted to holistic medicine partly due to its emphasis on prevention and more humanistic treatment.
It is ironic that modern medicine's successes are also responsible for its failure in the eyes of its users. For several generations, it has enjoyed a virtual monopoly in health care. Its advances have benefited many people but its shortcomings are also becoming easier to notice because of this "exclusive arrangement". There is no one else to blame when people perceive more ailments, diseases, and an overall decline of health.
Modern medicine is trying to keep its monopoly by pressuring regulatory agencies to harass and/or persecute practitioners of alternative medicine (their competitors). This is similar to putting up sandbags to prevent flooding; it is only temporary and Mother Nature will eventually win anyway. Some enlightened officials recognize this and concede certain areas back to Mother Nature. This involves moving people out of the flood plains and saves lots of money in the long run. Modern medicine, which is ready to collapse under its own weight, might learn from this classic example. Opening up to other alternatives rather than constant fighting will make it a better system, and shine a somewhat tarnished image.
People want choices and interdiction tends to make the alternatives even more attractive. The failures of the Prohibition and current drug laws are perfect examples of this principle. As the medical system embraces some of these new choices, the profession benefits; if they resist, eventually the whole system will get swamped. Remember, natural medicine has "nature" built into it.
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