How do I post a follow-up to a message?
Fill in the Name, & Email fields. You can also change the Subject field if necessary (or leave it the way it is).
Use the "Comments" box to post. The colons (:), that may already appear in the Comments box, are the lines that are quoted from previous message(s). If you just want to add something to the bottom, leaving all the quoted text, scroll down to the end of the message, skip a line, and add your comments. Then press "Submit Follow Up" button.
You can also trim some of the quoted text (if you wish) before posting.
Why are there colons in the message when I try to post a followup?
Colons appear in the message dialog box when you try to followup up on a message to indicate that those lines are quoting the previous document. The owner of the Message Board can decide whether they wish to enable or disable the quoting of previous messages.
Are the most recent messages on top?
Not necessarily. This board is sorted by thread (topic) creation date. Earlier threads are sometimes active for several months or even years and may have very recent messages.
Can I put html tags anywhere in my posts?
No. You cannot use HTML tags in any field. The maintainer of the script has disallowed the use of HTML in the Message part of your posting due to security reasons. The script will just throw out everything in <>'s.
NOTE: Mystic Talk disallows HTML anywhere within the post.
If you want to reference a URL, place it in the Optional Link URL field and accompanying Link Title field.
Your post most likely did not show up, because your browser did not reload the page, it simply pulled it out of cache. Please reload your browser and it should then appear.
Why are messages missing when I click on "Follow Ups" while reading a message?
There can be several reasons, the most common being that there was no content in the follow-up message; another person just pressed the "Submit Follow Up" button without actually replying to the message. Other reasons include Blatant advertising, inappropriate posts or other infractions of our rules. These messages were probably removed by the moderator.