Re: I suffer from RSD, any ideas??

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Posted by s palmore ( on February 28, 2004 at 21:44:00:

:I am recovering from rsd in my foot. The inital treatment was with steroids . steroids are deriveed from lipids or fatty tissue , and help repair the mylarian sheath around the nerve axons. My rsd has greatly improved but was never as accute as yours . Part of recovery is to stimulate the nerve area . this retrains the nerves to properly recognize stimuli input . Wear an old sock over your hand and rub the sock gently back and forth across the area as agresavly as pain will permit. At first this will appear to do nothing at all . let it become a routine thing that you do whille say watching tv or reading , constant contact with the affected are will give constant stimuli and it rely will help. If left untreated the white blood cells that have arrived there in response to the pain signals from the nerves will eventualy start to "eat " muscel tissue and in severe cases can eat the bone. So constant stimuli of the area is very important. Once you have been able to stand the rubbing of the sock , move up to a courser stimuli like a piece of wool. This wll further stimulate the area . When sleeping use a snug fitting sock on the hand to protect it and to keep constant pressure on it . Reiki healing , when aplied properly will allow the bidy to purge out some of the bad spiritual "toxins" in your system . If the first reiki healer you see dosn't seem to do the trick find another. It will not cure but will aide the body in repair. And last but certainly not least , faith, felowship , and prayer from loving friends will complete the healing mission. Good luck and keep me posted , stephen

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