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A fire which occurred on Saturday night, November 29th in Johnstown, Colorado gutted the building housing the Law Loft - home of anti Codex researchers Suzanne Harris, JD and Peter Ludwell along with Patriot Radio Station KHNC- the American Freedom Network. The Colorado State Police Arson Squad is currently conducting an investigation.
The fire occurred just a short time after the Law Loft's research enabled IAHF and the grass roots to conduct a successful Washington lobbying campaign to get dietary supplements specifically exempted from the harmonization language in the FDA Reform Bill. Prior to being amended this language threatened to harmonize our food and drug laws with those of the European Union (where dietary supplements are regulated as drugs.)
Dietary supplement consumers have been put in real jeopardy by the displacement of Harris and Ludwell from their home/office by the fire which destroyed their computer, hard to find books, and crates full of documents, which have been critical in our battle for health freedom.
Although Harris and Ludwell were in Denver at the time of the fire so are unharmed, they just called me from a motel and all they have is the clothes on their backs- they don't even have a toothbrush. Their dog and six cats perished in the blaze, along with all of their personal effects. They told me that the brick building had been totally gutted, and that it resembled the burned out shell of buildings bombed during WWII.
They badly need our help, or we will lose their invaluable assistance in our fight to maintain health freedom. Another Codex submission must be sent to the FDA at the end of January, and without the assistance of the Law Loft, we won't be able to keep fighting back.
Harris conducted research at the World Health Organization libraries in Rome and in Geneva, and also had extensive records from attending Codex meetings in Geneva, and Washington and through their efforts to submit Codex comments to the FDA on behalf of the Life Extension Foundation, and the National Health Federation. Crates of invaluable documents were destroyed in the blaze.
Without the research of Suzanne Harris and Peter Ludwell we never would have gotten the German Codex proposal knocked back from step 5 to step 3 at the meeting in Geneva in June. We wouldn't have been able to kill the Special Panel the Codex Commission wanted to create in order to establish a negative or "no trade" list for herbs (which would have banned the sale of many herbs from international commerce.)
We wouldn't have been able to get dietary supplements exempted from the harmonization language in the FDA Reform Bill (which threatened to make our food and drug law the same as the European Union's where dietary supplements are regulated as drugs) because it was their research that enabled us to pressure Congress to make the change.
Radio Station KHNC- The American Freedom Network- is a Patriot radio station which, until the fire, had been conducting 24 hour a day programming which included the Law Loft's 5 day a week program, The Law Loft report, through which they had been sounding the alarm regarding the Codex International Threat to Health Freedom, as well as such related matters as the threat posed by the harmonization language in the FDA Reform Bill as well as a host of other civil liberties issues involving NAFTA, GATT, the threat posed by "Fast Track", MAI, and other issues.
In addition to the Law Loft Report, The American Freedom Network (Radio Station KHNC), had been covering such matters as the incident at Ruby Ridge, the WACO massacre, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and a host of other controversial issues pertaining to the maintenance of American sovereignty in the face of an effort to force us into a World Government.
Harris and Ludwell have been particularly effective in guiding the grass roots in how to fight back politically.
Along with me, Suzanne did a lot of public speaking in Canada which helped get the whole country up in arms against Codex, and this helped us to get the German proposal knocked back to step 3, and has also put considerable pressure on the Canadian HPB.
At any time of year, a fire which destroys everything you own is a terrible thing- but this fire has occurred in Colorado where below zero temperatures and heavy snows are common, and it happened right before Christmas. Suzanne and Peter have no insurance. They were living in a converted toolshed in the back of a Patriot radio station where they didn't even have cooking facilities or a shower. They have had to go down to the truckstop for showers, and have been forced to spend what little money they had eating meals at the local diner. The sacrifices they have been making for the cause of health freedom have been immense. They have been crawling over broken glass for the cause of freedom. The traveling Suzanne has done for this cause has been made possible only through generous donations by people who value health freedom.
If we lose the help of Harris and Ludwell, it will be very difficult to keep fighting back effectively. At the moment, they don't know where they are going to live and have asked me to forward any donations that may come in. If you can help, please make your check out to:
"The Law Loft"
and send it
c/o IAHF
2411 Monroe St.
Hollywood, FL 33020.
To guard against fire, theft and bombing, IAHF's paper and computer files are backed up regularly and stored in multiple locations, and we encourage people to mirror our website in case anything ever happens to it. I have had death threats since doing this work.
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