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Earlier this week CFMR announced through a "News Release" a New Grass Roots initiative. The focus of the "Bite" initiative is to creative a Political Lobby Group that has TEETH., by gathering strength through the joining of many citizens rights movements, particularly those fighting for the elimination of heavy metals in our bodies and environment. Already in the first week under this program, we have sent letters to the Prime Ministers office as well as the to the Leader of Canada's Official Opposition Party and a response has been received from Canada's Prime Ministers Office.
In addition, an action call has been made for the elimination of the A.D.A. and the C.D.A., in favor of Citizens Committees , much like Police Services Boards, to ensure that what has happened with Mercury Dental Amalgam can never happen again.
A News Conference is currently being scheduled to be held in Toronto later this month, at which time full details of the " Bite" initiative and details regarding the ludicrously of the Food & Drugs Act and the Hazardous Products Act, will be provided to the media.
The media will also being given the opportunity at this time to participate in a controlled study evidencing the dangers of mercury dental amalgam. More information about "BITE" can be found at
Citizens Must Come Forward and Demand Change
"Getting the laws changed to eliminate dental amalgam, requires political lobbying", according to the Ombudsman of Ontario. In a letter dated August 18, 1999, the Ombudsman went on to say that " Legislative changes may occur as a result of many influences, including public opinions or lobbying from citizens groups. I can suggest that you and others with the same concerns, might consider continuing your efforts with your members of Provincial Parliament (MPP)".
Over the past number of months we have been reviewing both the "Hazardous Products Act" and the "Food and Drug Act" of Canada
Our study and investigation over the past number of months has revealed the following about the "Hazardous Products Act";:
The Act is defined as - "An Act to prohibit the advertising, sale and importation of hazardous products";
Hazardous Product is defined as -"any prohibited product, restricted product or controlled product";
Exempted from the "Restrictions of the Hazardous Products Act" are:
1) Explosives as they are governed under the "Explosives Act"
2) Pesticides as they are governed under the "Pest Control Products Act"
3) any prescribed substance within in the meaning of the "Atomic Energy Control Act"
4) products within the meaning of the "Food and Drugs Act", which would include Mercury Dental Amalgam
However, Mercury Amalgam is illegal under the Hazardous Products Act, as related to children and provides that "no toys, equipment or other products for use by a child......shall have any compound of mercury..."
Presumably and rightfully so, this part of the Act is to protect children from hazardous products that they might put in their mouths, or otherwise come in contact with, as restraining gates and other similar products that would not fit in your child's mouth are also included .
In other words, the little trucks, cars, trains and hats that are moved around on a board game, such as monopoly, are not allowed to be made of mercury amalgam, as under the Hazardous Products Act they are considered hazardous to your child's well being as your child may touch them or even put them in their mouths.
Under the Hazardous Products Act,
It is imperative that all Canadians write to their MP'S, MPP'S, their Provincial and Federal Minister's of Health and the Prime Minister and demand that this law be changed.
Demand to know why your children are not protected from dentists, when toy manufacturers and others supplying products to your children are by law, not allowed to poison your children..
Demand to know why that under the "Hazardous Products Act" Food is exempt.... and that mercury amalgam is in the same category as nuclear weapons, pesticides, bombs and explosives.
Send copies of your letters to CFMR and to your local media.
Tell your neighbors friends and business associates. Put copies of this newsletter, in your local Health Food Stores, Toy and Baby Stores, Doctors and Dental Offices, Libraries, Laundromats, Post Offices and Grocery Stores. Picket dental offices that continue to poison our children.
Change can happen, but not without you..
We were told how to make change and now it is up to us.
Links to Canada's Hazardous Products Act and the Food and Drugs Act, can be found at
Letters and Responses to and from Canada's Health Minister and the Prime Minister Office
A CFMR Representative sent letters this week to both the Prime Ministers Office, and the Office of the Reform Party ( Canada's Official Opposition Party). Concerns regarding the "Hazardous Products Act" and the continued use of mercury were expressed. The response from the Prime Ministers Office has already been received and will be posted on our web site by February 12/00.
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are still needed by CFMR to organize local letter writing campaigns, update mailing and distribution lists, distribute newsletters, fund raising and to handle media interviews as part of our "BITE" initiative. A special discussion forum has been set up for co-ordinators to discuss strategies and implement programs. If you want to participate and do your part, e-mail us at .
Submissions for "MERCURY NEWS" are welcome, and must be received by e-mail at no later than 5:00P.M. Eastern Standard Time on the Wednesday of each week for inclusion in that weeks publication.
CFMR depends upon your regular financial support to enable us to raise public awareness, obtain media support, and keep you informed. We have large debts that must be paid and a lot of work to do. If you have supported CFMR in previous years it is time to re-activate that support. If you have not, it is now time to start. We cannot do this without you...........Thank you Mailing Address:
850-36 Toronto Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 2C5
Phone : (416) 410-6314
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